
Fronting is a type of financing that uses a bank or a financial institution as an intermediary between two parties. As a fronting bank, Solaris enables you to offer financing solutions to your customers.

In fronting-based financing, Solaris, as the fronting bank, takes over the functions that require a banking license, such as customer identification and vetting (KYC/BKYC), credit risk checks, and loan origination and payout.

Afterward, Solaris sells the receivables back to you or other investors, and therefore fronting solutions don't involve any servicing activities from Solaris, such as collection or dunning.

In this section, you can learn more about Solaris' fronting products and find all details about how to onboard your customers in any of our fronting solutions.

Solaris Fronting products

Solaris offers the following fronting solutions:

  • B2B Fronting: Business fronting loans (Available in Germany and France)
  • Business Fronting Factoring: Business receivables factoring (Only in Germany)
  • B2C Fronting: Consumer fronting loans (Retail customers) (Only in Germany)

Fronting guides

The following links will take you to the integration guides of each of Solaris' fronting solutions. Integration guides include step-by-step instructions on how to onboard your customers on these products and the necessary endpoints and webhooks you need to integrate into your solution.

Fronting API reference

The following links will take you to the API reference documentation for the fronting products.