
This section contains all information about Solaris' Splitpay products, including key concepts and the necessary endpoints for creating, activating, and servicing Splitpay applications.

What is Splitpay?

Solaris' Splitpay is a revolving credit product that combines a credit line with single installment loans to offer a unique buy now and pay later model.

How does it work?

Customers apply for a credit line through your frontend, and based on the credit scoring results, Solaris will offer the customer a credit line with a specific limit for an unlimited term. Within the credit line limit, customers can instantly apply for single installment loans.

Solaris Splitpay products

Our API-enabled Splitpay solutions are available to existing current account holders and new customers. It's currently offered to the following segments:

  • Consumers (Retail customers)
  • Freelancers

Splitpay guides

The following links will take you to the integration guide of each Splitpay product:


Splitpay is currently only available to customers in Germany.

Splitpay API reference

The following links will take you to the API reference documentation for the Splitpay products: