
Identifying your customers is an integral part of secure and compliant banking solutions. Solaris offers a variety of state-of-the-art identification methods that are compliant with the know your customer or know your client (KYC) guidelines.

Whether you're identifying businesses or retail customers, Solaris' customer KYC solutions are versatile, scalable, and suitable for different products and use cases.

Customer identification APIs

See the comprehensive API reference of our KYC solutions for the complete list of endpoints and examples.

What's in this section?

This section includes all the integration guides for Solaris' standalone customer KYC solutions. In addition, you can combine any KYC method with other products, such as Digital Banking or Lending!


Fully automated and AML-compliant KYC method to identify customers with a valid German IBAN without human intervention.

View the integration guide

Business identification (BKYC)

A fully-integrated KYC solution to identify business customers, including the identification of legal entities and natural persons.

View the integration guide

Customer Due Diligence

Customer Due Diligence is an integral part of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process to ensure customers are vetted and screened continuously throughout the business relationship.

View the guide


A semi-automated KYC method that involves a taking selfie and a scan of the ID document.

View the integration guide

Video identification

Identify your customers with the standard KYC method in a video identification session by an identification agent.

View the integration guide

KYC method eligibility

Choosing the suitable identification method for your customer depends on several factors, such as regulatory requirements, product risk, customer type, region, etc.

This section provides an overview of the eligibility criteria for each identification method to assist you in choosing the suitable KYC method for your use case.


This page includes only a general overview of the eligibility criteria of Solaris' KYC methods. Note that other factors (not covered here) could also determine your customers' eligibility for a particular KYC method. For more information, consult with your Partner Manager.

Eligibility metrics

Different factors determine your customers' eligibility for a particular KYC method. These factors include - but are not limited to - the following:

Product risk

Solaris products have a specific risk class based on our Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) risk analysis. High-risk products require a more rigorous KYC process that involves collecting and verifying different data points and direct human interaction to prevent fraud and money laundering.

Digital banking products, such as a full payments account, are considered high risk, whereas products like decoupled cards or standalone lending products, such as fronting loans, have a lower risk.


The region of your business operations and client base is another factor that determines your customers' eligibility for a KYC method.

For example, some KYC methods, such as video-ident via IDnow or Bankident, are only possible for customers who reside in Germany or have a German IBAN. In contrast, Fourthline is possible for other countries in the EU, excluding Germany.

Customer type

Whether you're identifying retail customers, freelancers, or legal representatives of a business also determines the KYC method.