Mobile number management


Creating and verifying a mobile number for your customer is a crucial step in the customer onboarding process. With a verified mobile number, customers can use SMS OTPs to complete two-factor authentication (2FA) challenges.

This guide explains how Solaris handles customers' mobile numbers and contains a list of standardized SMS messages to send to your customers in various situations.


Verified mobile numbers are required for customers in all branches.

How Solaris stores mobile numbers

The Solaris API represents a customer's mobile number in the form of a mobile_number resource, which is a separate resource from the person resource. The mobile_number resource has a set of dedicated API endpoints.


The person resource has a mobile_number attribute. Note that this is not linked to the respective mobile_number resource. Your solution should always use the mobile_number resource instead of the mobile_number attribute on the person resource.

Each person may only have one verified mobile number. If you attempt to add another mobile number to a person with a verified mobile number, then the API will respond with a 409 error.

On every endpoint, Solaris' API sanitizes mobile numbers before validating them against the E.164 standard. You should always use the mobile number returned by our API.

SMS OTP lifecycle

Solaris enables customers to use SMS OTP as a method for authentication two-factor authentication (2FA) challenges for actions such as logging in and completing change requests.

See the Strong Customer Authentication guide for information about how to implement SMS OTP in your solution.

How to add a mobile number for a customer

To add a mobile number for your customer:

  1. Collect the customer's mobile number in a text input in your frontend.
  2. Call the POST Create mobile number endpoint to create the mobile_number resource.
  3. Call the POST Authorize mobile number endpoint to send an SMS OTP to the customer.
  4. Collect the SMS OTP from the customer in your frontend and pass it to Solaris using the POST Confirm mobile number endpoint.

Click here for detailed instructions on this process.

How to update a customer's mobile number

To update a customer's mobile number:

  1. Call the DELETE Remove mobile number endpoint to remove their existing mobile number. This will trigger the change request process.
  2. Repeat the steps described in the get started guide to add a new mobile number for the customer.

If you customer cannot change their phone number on their own (e.g., because they lost their phone), then please contact Customer Support.

Mobile number webhooks

Please implement the following webhooks related to mobile number events:

List of SMS OTP texts

This table contains standardized texts to send to customers in SMS OTP messages. You may not deviate from these texts without Solaris' express permission.

Note the use of variables throughout the text. Substitute each variable in the text with a placeholder for the corresponding value (e.g., a placeholder for the SMS OTP in each instance of OTP).

Solaris will automatically send the text in the customer's preferred language if you have created a language preference for the customer.

Case Text EN Text DE Text FR Text IT Text ES
Account closure To complete the account closure of iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Kontoschließung von iban freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin de confirmer la fermeture du compte ayant pour IBAN iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per completare il processo di chiusura per iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para completar el cierre de la cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Unauthorized Business Change Request There must be at least one legal representative person with a confirmed mobile number present - La présence d'au moins un représentant légal avec un numéro de téléphone mobile confirmé est requise. - Debe haber al menos una persona representante legal con un número de móvil confirmado.
Add Legal Representative to Business Account To add name as a legal representative on your account iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um name als Verfügungsberechtigten zu Ihrem Konto iban hinzuzufügen, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'autoriser name à réaliser des opérations sur le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per aggiungere name come rappresentante legale sul tuo conto iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para añadir name como representante legal en su cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Authenticate mobile_number OTP is your OTP for authorization OTP ist Ihre OTP zur Autorisierung Voici votre code OTP OTP pour l'autorisation Il codice per confermare il Suo numero di telefono è: OTP OTP es su OTP para la autorización.
Verify mobile_number Please verify your mobile number with the following SMS OTP: OTP Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihre Handynummer mit folgender TAN: OTP Veuillez confirmer votre numéro de portable avec le code OTP suivant : OTP La preghiamo di verificare il Suo numero di cellulare usando il seguente SMS OTP: OTP Verifique su número de móvil con el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Confirm mobile_number deletion To verify you would like to delete the mobile number you have on file, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Löschung Ihrer Handynummer freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Veuillez utiliser le code OTP suivant afin de confirmer la suppression de votre numéro de portable : OTP Per confermare la Sua intenzione di cancellare il numero di cellulare registrato usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para verificar que desea eliminar el número de móvil que tiene archivado, utilice el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Deleted mobile_number Your mobile number number has been removed and can no longer be used for SMS OTP authentication Ihre Handynummer number wurde entfernt und kann nicht mehr für das TAN-Verfahren genutzt werden Votre numéro de portable number a été supprimé Il Suo numero di cellulare number è stato rimosso e non puó piú essere usato per l'autentificazione codice OTP Su número de móvil number ha sido eliminado y ya no puede ser utilizado para la autenticación de sms tan
Changed mobile_number Your mobile number old_number has been replaced by new_number Ihre Handynummer old_number wurde durch new_numbers ersetzt Votre numéro de portable old_numbers a été remplacé par le numéro new_numbers Il Suo numero di cellulare old_numbers è stato sostituito con new_numbers Su número de móvil old_number ha sido sustituido por new_number
Person data change OTP confirmation To authorize the data change, please use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Datenänderung freizugeben, nutzen sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Utilisez le code OTP suivant afin de confirmer le changement des données : OTP Per autorizzare la modifica dei dati usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para autorizar el cambio de datos, por favor use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
SEPA transaction OTP confirmation To complete the payment for iban of amount, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Überweisung von amount auf IBAN iban freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'activer le paiement de amount depuis le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per completare il pagamento per iban dell'importo di amount usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para completar el pago de iban de amount, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Batch SEPA transaction OTP confirmation To complete the batch transaction of count transactions with a cumulative value of amount, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Sammelüberweisung von count Transaktion über amount freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'autoriser l'ensemble des count virements d'un montant total de amount, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per completare il gruppo di transazioni per i seguenti conti count del valore cumulativo di amount usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para completar la transacción por grupo de las transacciones count con un valor acumulativo de amount, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Create standing order OTP confirmation To issue the standing order of amount for account iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um den Dauerauftrag von amount auf IBAN iban freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'autoriser l'ordre de virement permanent d'un montant de amount vers le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per procedere con l'ordine di pagamento permanente dell'importo di amount per iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para emitir la orden permanente de amount para la cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Cancel standing order OTP confirmation To delete the standing order of amount for account iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Löschung des Dauerauftrags von amount auf IBAN iban freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'autoriser l'ordre de virement permanent d'un montant de amount vers le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per annullare l'ordine di pagamento permanente dell'importo di amount per iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para emitir la orden permanente de amount para la cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Update standing order OTP confirmation To change the standing order of amount for account iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Änderung des Dauerauftrags von amount auf IBAN iban freizugeben, nutzen Sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin de confirmer la modification du virement permanent d'un montant de amount vers le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per modificare l'ordine di pagamento permanente dell'importo di amount per iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para cambiar la orden permanente de amount para la cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Timed order OTP confirmation To issue the timed order of amount for account iban, use the following SMS OTP: OTP Um die Terminüberweisung von amount auf IBAN iban freizugeben, nutzen sie bitte folgende TAN: OTP Afin d'activer l'ordre de virement d'un montant de amount vers le compte iban, utilisez le code OTP suivant : OTP Per generare l'ordine di pagamento temporaneo di amount per iban usare il seguente codice OTP: OTP Para emitir la transferencia programada de amount para la cuenta iban, use el siguiente SMS OTP: OTP
Online Purchase via 3DS Use code passcode to authenticate your purchase of amount currency at merchant Nutzen Sie den Code passcode um die Überweisung von amount currency an merchant zu authorisieren Utilisez le code passcode pour authentifier votre achat de amount currency chez merchant Usa il codice passcode per autenticare il tuo acquisto di amount currency presso merchant Utilice el código passcode para autenticar su compra de amount currency en merchant
Push Provisioning (ApplePay, GooglePay) Your one-time verification code to add your card to Wallet_Name is code. The code will expire in 30 minutes. Ihr einmaliger Bestätigungscode um Ihrer Karte zu Wallet_Name hinzuzufügen lautet code. Der Code läuft in 30 Minuten ab. Votre code de vérification à usage unique pour ajouter votre carte à Wallet_Name est le code. Ce code expirera dans 30 minutes. Il tuo codice di verifica una tantum per aggiungere la tua carta a Wallet_Name è code. Il codice scadrà tra 30 minuti. Su código de verificación único para agregar su tarjeta a Wallet_Name es code. El código caducará en 30 minutos.