Breaking changes

When Solaris plans to update the API, depending on the nature of the change, Solaris may or may not announce the upcoming changes to partners beforehand. This depends on whether the update constitutes a breaking change or a non-breaking change.

A breaking change requires partners to update their implementations. Solaris will announce every breaking change in advance, allowing you sufficient time to update your solution.

Some examples of breaking changes:

  • Change to a request/response parameter's type.
  • Removal of parameters from the request or response of an API call.
  • Renaming of a parameter.
  • Application of stricter validation rules to a request parameter.
  • Reducing the set of possible enumeration values for a request/response parameter.

The following are considered non-breaking changes:

  • Re-ordering the parameters in a response body.
  • Addition of new parameters to a response body.
  • Application of softer validation rules to a request parameter.
  • Increasing the set of possible enumeration values for a request parameter.

Solaris may not provide advance notice or a transition period for non-breaking changes. Your application logic must be able to accommodate such changes.